Ute and her animals.

I have always been fascinated by unusual people and animals who are "different" and misunderstood.
In the early years of my work, my focus was on holistic nutrition and health. The inspiration for this was my cat Marlo, who came to us as a gravely ill kitten. We did not know whether he would live to adulthood. With a lot of research and perseverance, his health improved - and he was with us for 15 beautiful years.
Soon after Marlo joined us, my beloved soul dog Shiva entered our lives. Boy, oh boy, I had no idea how traumatized an animal can be—and here he was with me. Shiva's recovery became my main focus.
In the beginning, Shiva was a total basket case. He was afraid of moving cars, men, noise, black shirts, uniforms, firecrackers, clouds in the sky, sunglasses, tall people, beards, hats, skateboards, getting into and out of my car, grass, and wet surfaces—pretty much everything!
Shiva taught me to venture into unknown territory and see the world from his point of view. Eventually, the nearly impossible happened: Shiva became a happy dog.
Did he overcome every single one of his fears? Of course not. Did this old beat-up rescue dog learn new things? Absolutely! Did his PTSD go down? Yes, significantly! Was it a quick fix? No. Would I do it all over again? In a heartbeat.
Shiva was my inspiration to become a TTouch practitioner, which turned out to be an emotional lifesaver for him and a total eye-opener for me. TTouch continues to inform my therapeutic work with animals, especially for those with extreme behavioral issues. When Shiva was still alive, many folks suggested that I do animal communication because we were so in sync with each other. I wasn't sure I could do this, but this all changed when Shiva took his last breath. My perceived barriers disappeared - and my intuitive skills kicked in. That's when I began incorporating animal communication into my work. Thank you, Shiva!
I also became a Reiki Master. Reiki has become one of the critical components of my healing work with animals who suffer from chronic pain or face a terminal illness and who need more frequent support.
I have traveled the road less traveled in my efforts to find effective yet gentle ways to heal pets from "the inside out." My mission is to create harmonious, more enlightened partnerships for humans and pets alike, especially when our pets get to the end of life.
In the early years of my work, my focus was on holistic nutrition and health. The inspiration for this was my cat Marlo, who came to us as a gravely ill kitten. We did not know whether he would live to adulthood. With a lot of research and perseverance, his health improved - and he was with us for 15 beautiful years.
Soon after Marlo joined us, my beloved soul dog Shiva entered our lives. Boy, oh boy, I had no idea how traumatized an animal can be—and here he was with me. Shiva's recovery became my main focus.
In the beginning, Shiva was a total basket case. He was afraid of moving cars, men, noise, black shirts, uniforms, firecrackers, clouds in the sky, sunglasses, tall people, beards, hats, skateboards, getting into and out of my car, grass, and wet surfaces—pretty much everything!
Shiva taught me to venture into unknown territory and see the world from his point of view. Eventually, the nearly impossible happened: Shiva became a happy dog.
Did he overcome every single one of his fears? Of course not. Did this old beat-up rescue dog learn new things? Absolutely! Did his PTSD go down? Yes, significantly! Was it a quick fix? No. Would I do it all over again? In a heartbeat.
Shiva was my inspiration to become a TTouch practitioner, which turned out to be an emotional lifesaver for him and a total eye-opener for me. TTouch continues to inform my therapeutic work with animals, especially for those with extreme behavioral issues. When Shiva was still alive, many folks suggested that I do animal communication because we were so in sync with each other. I wasn't sure I could do this, but this all changed when Shiva took his last breath. My perceived barriers disappeared - and my intuitive skills kicked in. That's when I began incorporating animal communication into my work. Thank you, Shiva!
I also became a Reiki Master. Reiki has become one of the critical components of my healing work with animals who suffer from chronic pain or face a terminal illness and who need more frequent support.
I have traveled the road less traveled in my efforts to find effective yet gentle ways to heal pets from "the inside out." My mission is to create harmonious, more enlightened partnerships for humans and pets alike, especially when our pets get to the end of life.
Work background.
- Ute Luppertz, MA, is a holistic healing coach for pets and a senior pet specialist.
- Ute is a Reiki Master, an animal communicator, and a Tellington Touch practitioner.
- Ute studied positive reinforcement dog training, "The Third Way" by Chris Bach.
- Ute is trained in the Systemic Constellation Method, based on Bert Hellinger's work.
- Ute is a writer and publishes essays and poetry on Medium and Substack.
- Ute also facilitates Transformation Energy Sessions & Readings for humans at The Wisdom Container.
Credentials & memberships.
Ute is a member of the following organizations